Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Reflecting on 27 Things

Now that we've completed the final lesson for the 27 Things Project, we were asked to reflect upon the experience. There are a few things I feel compelled to comment about.
  • Sometimes the lessons sounded so easy, but when I arrived at the website to fulfill the commands of the 27 Things -- it wasn't quite as easy as it sounded. I found that I had to repeat several exercises several times in order to understand what was being asked of me. I think there was an assumption that it would be "intuitive" -- and sometimes it was. But for a beginner, there were challenges.
  • Password Overload - Is it my google or my flickr, should I have used the same one for everything? Nearly every site wanted me to register, create an identity and unique password. Eventually, I was in the midst of an identity crisis. (But recovered by going to MySpace, where I found who I really was!)
  • There was lots of fun stuff, and some cool stuff and then there was the way cool stuff. I plan to review the lessons now that I have more time, and will learn more about many of the things we were introduced to.
  • I manage to impress folks with my profound knowledge of the internet. They think I'm so cool and tech-savvy. I chat with my friends and family via MySpace, send photo montages of my trips to friends, use tags on de.lic.ous and brag about all the books I'm reading by stacking them LibraryThing. I have a blog. Best of all, I have my very own SouthPark character.
  • Would I do it again? Yes-sir-ee. (maybe we can develop a website with that word, something reassures people when they have to make a decision, yes.sir.ee.com, when you feel confused!)

It was fun to learn new things, and now my goal in life is to learn more new things. But it will require that I forget a few old things, so as of today, I am wiping the theme song from "Beverly Hillbillies" from my memory.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Dean Koontz Was Cursed!

I've thought for a long time that one of the best uses we could make of the web would be to connect our readers to authors. I found a series of podcasts by one of my favorite authors, Dean Koontz.


He talks about his books and writing. The best program so far is his talk about his early career and how nearly every publisher he signed with went out of business. He calls it the "Koontz Curse". It's always great for new writers to learn about all the hurdles the NY Bestselling authors went through in their career.

A great way to promote our author events would be to put the podcast address on our webpage along with the information about the program. Even better would be a blog too that let the author interact with our patrons for a few days before an event.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Friday, May 4, 2007

More Google

I visited Google Labs and immediately found the Notebook. This could really be helpful to me in my writing life. I have tons of notebooks (real ones) around my house that hold notes, webpage references, character sketches, etc. for my fiction writing. I could actually have on-line notebooks that store all the information, which would not only be easier to store (and free up shelf space at my house) but would be easy to access.
In theory -- but I'm not sure I've figured out exactly how the program works. I've tried to cut and paste into my notebook, and I can't make it happen. As with all of the things we've done so far, I can get just so far, and then probably because this stuff isn't intuitive to me, I struggle.
But, I don't give up.
I could also see that putting program notes for the library into a file might be helpful, but since I already do that in Word, I'm again not sure how much time it would save me. Also I rarely work on any different computers. But, if I did travel around and work from different sites -- this would be very useful.

I also really like the on-line word processing. Again, for my writing this would allow me to post things and then have my critique partner read them, make comments and never have to sit down in the cafe again to talk about the stories.
This could also be a "downside" of cyberspace. It's fun to sit down in a cafe and talk about books, writing and stories.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Google - My Way

This is my custom search engine, and when I finished I found that I did get to several websites I was very interested in knowing about. I love google, use it every day and in many different ways. I'm excited to discover there are even more things to do.

Google Custom Search

South Park Rocks!

I hate to confess how long it took me to figure this out, and this was the FUN exercise. I just couldn't get it to load. And now when I look at this image... I scare myself.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

It's A Library Thing

I chose the 5 books I'm currently reading for my Library Thing list. Now, I'm going to try to put it in this blog.


I thought this would be easier, and struggled with it over and over again. I expected to see the book covers here. I don't think I really understood what would happen.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I confess, I set up my very own MySpace account a few weeks ago, because Charlie Williams, (The Noiseguy) had one, and my life is all about keeping up with the Noiseguy! At first I didn't know how I'd use it, but after reading some other KCLS Learning 2.0 employee blogs, I found a link that would change my life.

onetruemedia.com has become my favorite site, and I will be upgrading to the "premium" service. I'm a photo-bug anyway, (like my namesake, Debbie Reynolds, I can assure my children that they had a lovely childhood, because I have the pictures to prove it!) So, the concept of having my photos arranged with music is too cool!

I have created 2 music videos and loaded them at: http://www.myspace.com/sassysibelle for your viewing pleasure.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Public Programming Office

This display showed items from their Public Programming Office.

Inside the Library

Inside the Library, originally uploaded by sibellestone.

This is the interior of the NY Public Library. The woodwork is amazing, and I even managed to see some of the "off limits" areas thanks to some very nice staff people.

One of my favorite things to do when on vacation is to go to the library and I usually ask for a library card. I have a small collection from the places I've visited.

New York Public Library

New York Public Library, originally uploaded by sibellestone.

I went to New York on a business trip in late October, and after arriving this was the first place I wanted to visit: The New York Public Library. (That's me in the green blouse standing in the center of the photo).

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Feeding Frenzy

I discovered RSS Feeds, and now I must force myself to stop FEEDING! There are so many things I need to know, daily, minute-by-minute. And they are all there on the web for my continued education. Manolo shoes, romance novels, fashionistas, books, books and more books.
I like having the easy update feature, but MUST stop now. I was disappointed to discover one of my favorite sites doesn't have an RSS feature, but maybe they will get one. If you want to check out the website, this is it: http://www.gypsyville.com/
I did add the PI newspaper, a library site, some news and information sites.
Then I added some fun ones too!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Car Crazy

Car Crazy, originally uploaded by sibellestone.

Another accomplishment! This could be addictive, but I wonder who has time to look at all this stuff on the web? I can hardly even keep up with my Email, and all these new things are going to eat up all my free time.
But it is fun!

Blogging with Photos

parade005, originally uploaded by sibellestone.

This is the photo I managed to download to Flickr, and then upload to my blog. I don't even want to confess how much time this took.
Probably too long, but I decided that in order to get through this series of lessons, I wanted to do something that looked challenging.
WOW! My instincts were correct, this was a big challenge for me.
But now I have my friends "Dewey and Sketch" on my blog, and I have the various accounts set up to insert photos into my blog.
Success is sweet!


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Whine, Whine, Whine...

I made this blog and nobody came to visit. There are no messages. No notes. Not even a snarky remarky. I feel all alone and neglected.
What's the point of putting your inner thoughts, secrets and yearnings out to cyberspace if no one pays attention?
I need attention, and will remain feeling unfulfilled in my journey to conquer all the intricate on-line communities until someone notices me.
Maybe I'll go fix the MySpace page and connect it to my blog.
Go to www.myspace.com/sassysibelle
And I don't live in Australia, but MySpace thinks I do. If they believe that, is it true?
Also Tom is not my friend.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Animae or Manga?

I've just finished talking with the folks at sakura-con about working with them to bring in one of the speakers (Animae or Manga) featured at their upcoming con to our libraries. So how does this relate to creating a blog? I'm thinking about how to use a blog to promote programming in our libraries. Often I discover our staff members don't know about programs. But if staff don't have time to look at flyers or the kcls.org website, will they use a blog?

If it is created, does it mean someone will read it?